The Benefits of Trees for Livable and Sustainable Communities

The Benefits of Trees for Livable and Sustainable Communities

Ben and Annie's Sustainable Communities

August 5, 2022

At Ben & Annie’s Trees for Tomorrow, we make it our mission to spread awareness about the crucial significance of preserving and planting trees on our planet—and there’s no better place to start than our own homes and neighborhoods. While they are silent and stationary, trees hold tremendous power when it comes to improving the overall quality of life for the human species—especially within the neighborhoods in which we reside. Continue reading to find just a few of the many ways trees can make a huge difference in the livability and sustainability of our communities. 

Improve air quality

Air quality is vastly improved through the use of trees, as the leaves filter the air we breathe by removing dust and other particles, and the rain then washes the pollutants to the ground. Leaves absorb the carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, as well as other air pollutants—such as ozone, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. Trees then store the carbon as growth and release clean oxygen into the air. Overall, trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and reduce the greenhouse gas effect, which increases sustainability—all while providing us with clean air to breathe in the comfort of our own neighborhoods. 

Enhance surrounding nature

When communities place an emphasis on preserving trees and planting new ones, there’s no doubt that residents will see a significant increase in activity and quality of the surrounding nature. By having a vast amount of trees in a neighborhood, we return developed areas to a more natural environment that is attractive to birds and wildlife—and the ecological cycles of plant growth, reproduction, and decomposition are again present, both above and below the ground. Natural harmony is restored to the urban environment when more trees are preserved and planted, which certainly increases the quality of life for all residents of a community. 

Contribute to scenic views

Neighborhood trees often serve several architectural and engineering functions—and they certainly help enhance the scenery of a community. Trees make for a fantastic background to help soften, complement or emphasize architecture—and they also provide privacy and help accentuate or filter out views. They reduce glare and reflection and can even help direct pedestrian traffic when aligned the right way in a community—and their gorgeous elements can give a neighborhood the perfect amount of greenery for a welcoming and vibrant look. 

Provide health benefits for residents

Not only can trees improve the air quality of a community, but they can also serve as natural healers to provide health benefits for residents. The calming effect of nearby trees and urban greening can significantly reduce stress levels and fatigue—as well as relax nerves, improve bone and joint health, lower blood pressure and boost overall mood. Studies show that exercising in forests—or simply sitting and admiring trees—can help reduce blood pressure and lower the levels of stress-related hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline. When your community focuses on the prominence of trees, you’re guaranteed to feel like your best self. 

Boost the economy

On top of providing the benefits listed above, property values of homes landscaped with trees are 5 to 20 percent higher than those of non-landscaped homes—and both the direct and indirect economic benefits of trees are beyond noteworthy. Direct economic benefits are associated with energy savings—as air-conditioning costs are typically lower for homes located in tree-heavy communities, and heating costs are reduced when a home has a windbreak. 

The indirect economic benefits of trees within a community are even greater—including lower electricity bills due to power companies building fewer new facilities to meet peak demands, reduced amounts of fossil fuel in furnaces, and fewer measures implemented to control air pollution. Since trees are natural catchers and releasers for rainfall, communities can also save money when fewer facilities are built to control stormwater in the region. To the individual, these savings may seem small, but to the community as a whole—reductions in these expenses are extremely significant.

Make communities livable and sustainable

From better air quality to economic advancements and everything in between, these incredible benefits mark just a handful of an array of reasons why trees are such an important factor in the overall quality of life for local communities—which is exactly why we place the conservation of trees at the forefront of our mission. At Ben & Annie’s Trees for Tomorrow, we place so much value on providing relevant information about the cruciality of trees in order to help create more sustainable and livable communities for generations to come. If you’d like to learn more about our mission, or if you’d like to learn about becoming a partner, don’t hesitate to give us a call at (210) 670-5297 or fill out our online form today.