Tree Care Tips for Summer: Ensuring Healthy Growth and Survival

Tree Care Tips for Summer: Ensuring Healthy Growth and Survival

July 7, 2023

We’re officially in the throes of summer, and these past few weeks have brought us some record-breaking heat waves. When dealing with scorching weather, homeowners may find themselves overwhelmed by the amount of outdoor projects they need to take care of in order to keep their landscaping green and thriving. With everything on your to-do list, tree care may seem like an afterthought, but they need TLC too! That’s why our team at Ben & Annie’s Trees for Tomorrow has thought up this list of 5 summer tree care tips for homeowners, so read on to see how you can keep your trees happy and healthy during the sweltering summer months.

1. Fertilize

There are many benefits to fertilizing your trees, including strengthening them and extending their lifespan. Look for fertilizers designed specially for trees—they will be sure to contain all the right nutrients lacking in the soil. Just make sure you don’t over fertilize as too much can do more harm than good, and may cause discoloration or drooping leaves.

2. Water, Water, Water

With the record-breaking heat we’re dealing with, your trees will need plenty of water. If leaves are dry and withering at the top, the tree needs more water. Watering them now makes for more tree growth, which makes for more shade in the future. Young trees in particular should be watered regularly—try using a trickle hose on the base of the tree every few days.

3. Go easy on the pruning

During the stressful summer heat it is smart to avoid over-pruning your trees. There’s no harm in pruning for aesthetic reasons when necessary, but overdoing it can put extra stress on your tree and put them at risk of too much sun exposure. Removing too many leaves during summer pruning can also reduce tree growth, which will lessen the amount of shade you’ll need to escape the heat. 

4. Mulch properly

On hot summer days, a healthy amount of mulch around the base of your trees will lock in moisture and keep the roots hydrated and cool, as well as prevent the growth of weeds. Make sure to use organic mulch—leaf compost, composted wood, and bark shreds are some solid options—and arrange the mulch properly. Your mulch should look more like a donut than a volcanic mound, with a 3-inch dip circling the tree trunk.

5. Check for pests and diseases

In the summertime, critters like aphids, borers and beetles can become quite the pests. Keep an eye out for any signs of infestation on your trees, such as thinning leaves, discoloration or bored holes. Diseases are another concern, and if not treated in time, anthracnose or fireblight can quickly overpower your trees. If you see signs of bug infestation or disease, spray your tree with the appropriate fungicides or contact a professional for help.

For more information on how to care for your landscaping, or to support the mission of Ben & Annie’s Trees for Tomorrow, contact us via online form or give us a call at (210) 670-5297.